Help for

Selective Mutism

treatment for selective mutism

What is Selective Mutism?

According to, “Some children are uncomfortable speaking in unfamiliar situations or with people they don’t know. They usually start talking when they feel more comfortable. Children with selective mutism have repeated difficulty speaking, or seem afraid to communicate, at certain times or in certain places.”

This is NOT a temporary response to a significant change in circumstsance. Starting a new school, moving, speaking in a non-native language can all attribute to normal reduction in speech. Selective mutism is a more significant social emotional disorder.

It can be difficult to understand why a child can speak freely and confidently at home but be unusually quiet in school or in public. It may seem like your son or daughter is being purposefully difficult or intentionally willful. Frustration is a natural reaction to not knowing why this is happening.

The emotional toll can be significant, but as an experienced speech therapst, I can help alleviate stressors, that worsen the cycle of anxiety to create positive communication connections.

When reluctance to speak interferes with a child’s personal relationships, education, or enjoyment of interests, it is time to seek specialized intervention. Contributing factors, which can include anxiety, stuttering, autistic traits, physical hinderances, or situational responses can be determined and addressed to increase your child’s comfort speaking with others.

I can help your family understand the why, develop a strategy for how, and reach the goal of confident and clear communication for your child across environments.

More Info: Selective Mutism Association

Contact me to start the journey to a happier, healthier child!