I cannot say enough about Kristi-Leigh and how much I’ve appreciated her with my students past and present. She not only listened attentively to our concerns but also demonstrated exceptional expertise in her field. The way she engages with the children is truly...


When my son was only 3 years old and at the worst part of his autism diagnosis, he would lash out at Kristi-Leigh and she always lovingly redirected him, never wavering in her tolerance or professionalism. Thanks to her patience and expertise, he was able to begin...


There are no words to adequately describe how grateful I am as a mom. Hearing my son just say ‘mommy’ melts me. Being able to have a conversation with him is a dream come true. My son has been receiving speech and language therapy from Kristi-Leigh for a...


Kristi-Leigh’s kind, caring, and fun approach makes therapy like a fun learning adventure for my kids versus being a chore. Both of my kids just adore her! Kristi-Leigh truly goes above and beyond not only for my children but for our entire family. She has...


Kristi-Leigh has been the light when we were lost in the dark. After being told time and time again by our pediatrician, family and friends that our daughter was fine and just needed time, Kristi-Leigh was the advocate we needed. She has helped us with home education...


We had the good fortune to work with Kristi-Leigh at the beginning of our son’s autism journey. Her warm and professional approach to therapy brought great improvements in our son’s behavior and communication skills. At the same time, she gave a very worn...